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Spiritual and totality– Josef Zvěřina and the struggle for spiritual freedom in communist criminals

Tuesday 17/01/2022   19:00– Buy tickets 

We are hosting a theatrical performance of a scenic documentary

Its intention is to present the life pilgrimage  and the pastoral activity of Josef Zvěřina in communist criminals, that is  under the liquidation pressure of the totalitarian regime and its apparatus. The main reason why we want to address this topic so thoroughly is the fact that the trace of the uprooting of the clergy's influence obviously extends into our times: religious life and everything that belongs to it has found itself on the fringes of our society's interest._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

starring: Cyril Dobrý, Jakub Gottwald, Martin H. Krupa, Miloslav Mejzlík, Marek Pospíchal, Tomáš Bambušek

author: Miroslav Bambušek

director: Miroslav Bambušek

music: Vladimir Franz

moderator: Petr Fischer

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