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The Kolin Monastery is a place for those who are looking for a place of silence and who want to make a serious effort in the development of their spiritual life. We understand spiritual in the sence of what concerns  meaning of life.

The mission of Kolín Monastery - a center for spirituality and spiritual exercises, is to help the integral development of the personality with an emphasis on its spiritual dimension. We offer the participants of our programs a space of silence and seclusion, inspirational stimuli,  individual consultations and personal accompaniment on their journey towards maturation and finding sustainable life values, as well as orientation in specific life situations that require calm and responsible decision-making. We offer a quiet house with a long spiritual history, a large garden and especially a team of experienced course leaders, most of them with theological and psychological competence. We are based on a rich tradition of Christian spirituality, but we are open to both believers of the Christian faith as well as receptive and inquring people with no anchoring in church or religious faith. We also draw on the experience from similar institutions worldwide as well as use their experienced lecturers.


Spiritual exercise, or courses, are days spent in silence and seclusion, when we strive for deeper self-knowledge, deepening our spiritual practice and organizing our own lives as our spiritual development unfolds. Traditional elements of spiritual exercises include prayer, meditation, mindfull interaction with nature, with spiritual texts and with a spiritual guide.You can find a description of the individual courses here


Zrušení kurzů -  S lítostí Vám musíme oznámit, že Kurz 609 Sádhana (3 dny), 16. 5. - 19. 5. 2024 a Kurz 610 Modlitba examen (3 dny), 23. 5. - 26. 5. 2024 byly zrušeny. Důvodem je vynucená a nevyhnutelná oprava střechy kolínského kláštera, která bude probíhat v termínu 13. 5. - 24. 5. 2024. S ohledem na bezpečnost a zajištění nerušeného klidu v průběhu kurzu jsme se rozhodli tyto kurzy zrušit. Děkujeme za pochopení.

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